See now how can you not take them cute little ones a walk. So Michael and I got the dog bag out and got them all buckled into their harnesses and leashes and off we went around the lake.

So a little about Quincy, we got him from a bad home so we have had to work with him to get him socialized and one thing that we thought he would absolutely love was water. So when summer came around we were trying and trying to get him to get right in. Well he was not having it. So little by little we have been working with him and today he was all about it. It was the cutest thing I ever seen. I don't know but he just makes me feel so proud my myself. I feel like such a good mommy. So funny!
So then after trucking through the water for a bit with the puppies we headed back to the apartment so I could then rush around to clean up and get my things ready again to get back to school to design.
My design turned out okay.

Turned it in, got some good feed back, and now starting on the next project. That will be creating a wine magazine layout. I am so excited. Like the whole color pallets you can use when creating such a layout. Here are some photos that inspired me today.

So here i am wrapping up the day. Going home to work out and hit the pillow. Good night and sweet dreams.