Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Its A Tuesday!!

Sure has been a few days since I have been on here. Been working a lot lately. Saturday the store was so busy we had about a 2 hour wait. But we worked as a team for the most part and carried on with it. Really over some girls there.. but not going to get in my way of how I work around there. I just cant stand when someone is nice to your face and talks shit when you are not there. I must say she has me doing the same thing. But one slip up about my days off for school and I don’t think I cant just let it go. She is always saying her kid keeps her from that and this.. Stop blaming everything on your kid lady. Sigh. Just because you have a kids and going to school and working has nothing to do with me and my life. So stop comparing us. Figure it out yourself. Okay now that I have that out.

About my day. Had class this morning in Business Law and it was really enjoyable. We talked about contracts some more, and we talked about all the problems at our school. The students wrote up contrast for the instructors to do this if we do this.. and wow there was so much that the instructors have been slacking on. And you know what i am paying a shit ton to be here. If these problems don’t get fixed I am going to have to look other wise. Sigh. I love it here but We as students paying thousands and thousands of dollars is almost not worth what they are providing us. We pay hundreds of dollars worth of books for them not to even teach out of them. Sigh. Well on a better note while in the middle of class I get a text from Sarah, Michaels sister that I took baby shower pictures for letting me know that her baby girl was finally arrived. So exciting. So after class Michael and I drove to the hospital and got to meet little Cecelia. The sweetest little girl. All kinds of sounds and faces.

Then Michael and I had to head home so he could get ready for work. His job upsets me all the time. I love that he is getting hours, that’s awesome and all but hey are making him come in at 5 saying he will be off at a time and he is always off like 2 to 3 hours or more later and I just find that very unorganized. They have his driving on the road for crazy hours in the morning and I just really don’t think that is very safe. He is tired and sometimes nodding off and on, and I am at home cant sleep because I am terrified. But hey he is doing it for the sake of us. So I am very proud of him. I will admit I am one lucky girl to have someone like him in my life. We were made for each other.

So I was looking to get some neat little things for the apartment to get it a little more spice for my own style. Just plain and blah because we are out of here in 6 months and just don’t want to spend money here, but in all reality everything be get to hang we can just take along with us. Just no painting. I cleaned all day like usual. The only thing I didn’t get to is giving the dogs a bath. Their cages sure got a nice deep scrubbin. But this day is coming to a close. I am ready for a shower and ready to lay down in that wonderful big bed and wait for the wonderful boyfriend to get home.
Goodnight bloggers

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Well I finally got rid of my weird mood that I have been in for the past few days. its called I don't want to do shit mood. They are the worst. Well Michael and I pushed the sectional together and slept out in the living room together. So funny. Set my alarm to get up for class this morning but didn't go because I was still not into it. Told myself that I would make my night class but in all reality I wasn't and didn't. So Michael and I went to look for what to wear to Christ and Meg's wedding in a couple weeks. Super excited. It will be my first wedding shoot. Woohoo!!! Then we ran around some more. We cam back and ate some lunch, then Michael left me for the day to go to work his butty off and make some money. We got a new bed today, and its amazing. Love our room now! lol.. Things are always seeming to look up just when you start to feel a little down. Makes me happy. Got a lot done today. Took the pups over to the tennis court and let them play ball and get a good run around and work out for me as well. Smiles. Well I don’t have much more to share.. Not that exciting of a day. Just cant wait to crawl into that wonderful bed tonight. YAY

Goodnight lovely bloggers.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Not Feeling So Well...

Not been feeling to well. Weak and tired, sad and alone, but I shouldn't. I am surrounded by people all the time. Anyways on the other hand I have been looking at some books that I could hand make. I wish I wish I had more time on my hands to make everyone one and send as a gift. Just really wish we had more company, but I am doing well with the quite little space we have together. Its peaceful and the puppies really help with the company and the cuddling when Michael is not here. So in wanting to make some booklets here are some photos of what has inspired me.

Also always purchasing things from the bookstore at my school and I have become to love the style and design of a artist by the name of Sukie.

Hope you all enjoy what I have provided you to check out. I sure indulge myself in all the creativeness everyday!
All I wanted to do was to leave you with a smile.

What An Amazing Two Days.

Monday night Michael and I took off around 8:30pm and made a road trip to Gas City, which is a hour and forty min from our apt to go pick of my friend Britt. Have not seen this girl in so long, and I was bound to drive and drive to get her over here to my place to hang out. Picked up her and Marley her Schnauzer. We didn’t get back till about 12ish. We introduced the pups which didn’t go so well but we could deal. So we got Britt all settled in and off to bed we all went. I could barley sleep because I was just so excited about the next day activates. I woke around 7am and headed off to my law/Business class and that went really well.

We talked about contracts. Which was a lot of fun. Its crazy how much i learn in that class each week. The law is just so nuts. We are not as free as many may think. But hey its life. I then came home to my boyfriend and my friend Britt. They were hanging in there P.Js still...Well they got dressed and we all took the pups for a walk. Marley was not to happy about the hot weather. Almost to the water and she just stopped walking and lays on her back. She was done. I got her all excited again and we got to the water for them to swim and cool down. Walked back to the apt and relaxed, tried to decided where to go have lunch and of course we decided on Mcallister’s. My favorite, I absolutely love their caser chicken wrap. After eating we were headed back home to have Britt tell us she had never hung out downtown. OMG WHAT? So we then took her to the Indianapolis canal to kayak the "White River State Park". We had an amazing time. Starting out not so much. So they took our phones to nothing would happen to them but I totally forgot about my keys. We were just getting started and there floats away my keys in the middle of canal. I was freaking out because that is the only keys I have for my car. I was crying and all upset. Michael went back and ask what we can do. To make a long story short Britt jumped in after my keys and we were all okay. She rocks. So then we continued on. We had an hour. We went under the water falls and fountains and all. Soaked with our arms a burning we made it back to the drop off area. Gosh what a great time. We walked back to the car and came back home to clean up and Britt and I were on our way back to Gas City. Got I hated leaving her. She really brought out the Tabitha that has not been out in awhile. She is like my long lost sister.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sarah's Baby Shower

My first little shower... had such a great time photographing. The girls where so much fun and the environment was absolutely warming.